“This isn’t working.” “I’ve changed.” “I don’t see a future with you.” Those ‘breakup’ lines may apply to your Business Continuity Management software or your latest paramour.
Not all relationships succeed. When things go awry, goodbye may be the best solution. But that may seem impossible – even when you know it’s necessary. You’ve invested countless hours and piles of capital (both monetary and political) populating your current BCM software. When it no longer meets your growing needs – or the vendor ceases support – you must make a choice.
Could you lose your data? Starting over may seem too expensive and burdensome. Or you may fear that ditching your BCM app will leave your organization vulnerable – leaving only copies of plans. Change seems too risky!
It really isn’t. Change could improve your existing situation. When you search for replacement software, ensure the new vendor can reuse your old data, store your existing plans, and give your planners and responders what they need. But don’t expect to get exactly what your old vendor provided.
You should:
- Understand that you can’t replicate the past yet simultaneously expect to get more from your data. What you get should be better – but different.
- Focus on more than plans. If all you care about are Plans, don’t invest in BCM software – use word processing.Be patient. Transferring your old data to a new system properly will take time.
- Be wary of anyone who says they can do it instantly – they may be selling disappointment.
Your new BCM software vendor should:
- Be willing and able to help you make the transition
- Help extract, analyze and reshape your existing data to get the most from the new software.
- Validate the results to assure you can use the software to its full purpose -including what new data you may need to add.
- Provide secure user access to anyone and everyone who needs it, how they need it– without nickel and diming you for every additional user.
If your BCM software vendor no longer meets your needs– call us. We’ve helped dozens of companies convert their old data to eBRP Suite. They’ve ended up with more than they started with – and a more robust BCM program platform. Let us show you how breaking up with your old BCM vendor can be the best thing you’ve ever done!