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Business Continuity Management Software – The Clamor for Ease of Use

‘The solution has to be easy to use’.  ‘Our end-users log in once, maybe twice, a year to update their business continuity plans and their BIAs’. These are statements we…

Incident Management 102 – Planning for Incident Response

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plans often rely on assumptions (read more about them here).  Some Business Continuity plans are very effective response plans but assume that, during an incident,…

Incident Management 101 – Assessment

This is the first in a series of articles highlighting the critical components of Incident Management.  Every Business Continuity Management program ought to understand the requirements for effective Incident Management,…

Residual Risk – A Key Business Continuity Concept

Residual Risk: if you’re not familiar with the term, you should learn how it applies to your Business Continuity Management program. In pulmonary science (the study of lungs) there’s something…