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How can we Harness Situational Intelligence?

There are many products and services on the market today designed to help notify the right people with (hopefully) the right messages in the event of disruption of day-to-day operations.…

Who’s on First? Understanding Recovery Priorities: Part 2

(NOTE: This is second part of the 6th in a series of articles discussing the future of Business Continuity Management.  The series starts here.) Business Process Prioritization As some point…

Responders are Human – With Limits

Business Continuity Planning is often theoretical.  After all, we can’t really know what we’ll need until a disruption occurs (and by then, it’s too late for planning!).  As a result,…

Don’t Plan for Snow – Plan for Impacted Assets

The harshness and repeated ferocity of the winter of 2015 (especially in the New England states) sent many businesses scrambling to update their Business Continuity Plans.  The earlier Ebola crisis…