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Automating NIMS ICS for Efficient Incident Response

When a disruptive incident impacts critical national or regional infrastructure, or when public safety is at stake, multiple emergency agencies are often involved in the response. Those responders could be…

I Get My Files Back When? – Another BC/DR Conflict

What would you do if the files you rely on every day were unavailable? Most of us become accustomed to storing much of the data we use – spreadsheets, forms,…

Access Credentials at your Alternate Workspace

An ‘alternate workspace’ (either at your own locations, or contracted through a 3rd party provider) can be a vital component of a viable Business Continuity strategy; but only if the…

Original Documents – Business Continuity Risk or Liability?

Even in today’s wired world, many organizations require access to original documents to deliver goods or services.  If yours is one of them, how you maintain continuity of access to…