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Why Your Plan Won’t Work (and How to Fix that)

Recently, Andy Osborne, one of the Business Continuity Management industry’s most prolific writers, published a blog lamenting the common practice of writing BC Plans to please auditors – rather than…

Do You Plan for Tomorrow’s Threats – or Yesterdays?

Business Continuity Planners, don’t have the ability to predict the future.  That doesn’t mean they should ignore current industry findings about the future either.  Far too many organizations continue to…

Defining Your BCM Program Objectives

Let’s suppose that – to protect your family – you decide to build an ark in your garage.  (An ark is a large wooden ship, like the one Noah used…

Understanding C-Suite Concerns – A Key to BCM Support

This is the second in a series of articles focusing on tools and concepts to address the next generation of Business Continuity Management.  BCM industry guidelines and ‘best practices’ continue…