
Command, Control & Communications are critical elements for an effective Incident Response. Notifying stakeholders before, during and after an incident is essential for a sustainable BCM program.  Email notification is native to eBRP Suite, in order to leverage voice and SMS communications integrating with 3rd party Automatic Notification System is recommended. eBRP Suite integrates with leading ENS vendors to provide the tools you need for effective notification:

Toolkit Elements: Many Planning and program management elements rely on notification for their efficiency: BIA survey distribution, plan maintenance, Approval workflows and more.  Notification is also a critical tool for alerting Response, Recovery, Management, Emergency or any other Teams anytime, from any place.

Media: You can initiate contact from within eBRP Suite, or directly from your designated ENS provider using any or all of the means appropriate for a situation: email, voice and SMS.

Stakeholders: In emergencies, Toolkit helps you notify specific Teams – or all the Employees in a Facility.  During a disruption, eBRP Suite helps you alert Management Teams, invoke Plans, activate Responders, poll them and track their responses.

eBRP Suite not only provides notification capability, it gives you a choice: to select the integrated 3rd Party Emergency Notification supplier who best meets your unique needs.  You simply contract with the ENS supplier of your choice (from eBRP’s list of partners) and eBRP takes care of the rest.  No more call trees to maintain; just fast, efficient and effective notification.


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