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Top Secret: Business Continuity Plans for Your Eyes Only

Sometimes I think there really are Parallel Universes.  There’s the one where someone creates a Disaster Recovery or Business Continuity Plan that no one else is allowed to see; and…

When do you DR?

At a recent Business Continuity Management conference, one speaker spoke about his experiences and the theme: “the value in the BCM program”.  He had worked at a retail supermarket chain…

5 Reasons Disaster Recovery Exercises are Essential

Have Disaster Recovery plans? Tested them lately? An organization’s Disaster Recovery Planning program  should  include periodic Testing and Exercising of their DR Plans.  Organizations whose BCM programs are not mature…

The Value in Business Continuity Planning – Beyond Preparedness

The goal of every Business Continuity Management program ought to be preparedness: creation of a state of readiness in which goals, objectives, participants, roles and responsibilities are known, and practiced. An…