Program Management

As a Business Continuity Manager, you have better things to do than shuffle files, send countless emails and manage access to documents.  Toolkit is designed to give you the greatest amount of control over your BCM Program, with the least amount of effort.

Role-Based Access:

  • Access to each object (a Plan, a Process, etc.) is granted to Teams
  • Each Team Member automatically inherits the Team’s access to objects
  • Individuals may be Members of multiple Teams.
  • Removing a Member from a Team removes his/her access rights (from that Team)


  • Adjust field names to match your own BCM Program terminology
  • Hide fields or screens your Program does not use (but might use later)
  • Build drop-down pick lists with terms relevant to your Program
  • Display screens, fields and descriptions in a second language


  • Asset-centric –reports about a Plan, a Process, an Application, etc.
  • Roll-up – reports about all Plans, in a Plan-Group (for example)
  • Summary – reports about all Plans, all details about a Facility, etc.
  • Audit, Gap, Management – reports to Monitor and Manage your program
  • Dashboard, Statistics – reports to Measure your program’s progress

Automated Reminders & Notices:

  • Set Due Dates for Plans, BIAs and other updates to trigger email notices
  • Multiple ‘reminders’ for approaching Due Dates
  • Automated multi-tier emails for Plan and BIA Approvals
  • Scheduled emails of Plan copies to all Team members.


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