Category: Disaster Recovery

Failure, thy Name is Disaster Recovery Test

It’s been years since I last attended school, but unless things have changed dramatically, tests are still basically the same as they were back in the day.  You know the subject of the test, you can study the material in advance, but you’re not privy to the questions until the…

Is Industry Experience Required for Business Continuity Managers?

A recent blog addressed the personal qualities most useful to an effective Business Continuity Management Team member.  The article prompted a question regarding whether the first trait on the list “Someone who has a good grasp of how your organization works” was not specific enough.  The questioner asked whether experience…

Who’s on First? Understanding Recovery Priorities: Part 1

(NOTE: This is Part 1 of the 6th in a series of articles discussing the future of Business Continuity Management.  The series starts here.) If we’ve done all of our Planning properly – acknowledged our risks and vulnerabilities and identified the gaps in our current capabilities, we may have begun to…

Emergency Management and Business Continuity: Cousins, but not Twins

Organizations in which emergencies, crisis and disruptions are, if not common, frequent, are likely to have an Emergency Management department, team or group.  Public Utilities, Energy, Transportation (especially aviation) and Government agencies, among others, are all likely to maintain Emergency Management functions. Emergency Management (EM) and Business Continuity Management (BCM)…

Is That a Plan Update – or a New Cover Page?

What can you do when Business Continuity Plan owners fail to update their Plans? I previously discussed why some organizations struggle – or simply neglect – to update their BIA data.  A BIA can be like a Platypus (an Australian mammal – part duck/beaver/reptile – that lays eggs).  Designed by…

What Makes a Great BCM Team Member?

An earlier blog addressed some reasons why your C-Suite (Executives, Sr. Managers) might not be the best choice for your Incident Management Team. What about the composition of Business Continuity Management (BCM) Teams?  A BCM Team may be quite varied in makeup.  Some members may be dedicated to BCM full-time. …

Top 10 Reasons Not to Have a Business Continuity Plan

Call them what you wish – justifications, rationales, excuses; there are plenty of reasons that organizations large and small fail to create or maintain Business Continuity Plans.  Even having a BC program doesn’t assure that development of Plans across the enterprise gets full cooperation.  Maybe you’ve heard some of these…

3 Scenarios Your Business Continuity Planning Must Address

This is the 2nd in a series of articles focusing on Business Continuity Planning – from basics to testing.  While not intended to define any standard for BCP’s, these articles should provide assistance for new Planners, and provoke the thought processes of experienced Planners.  The series began with a 7…

Where’s the Beef? Finding the Real Value in a BCM Program

Whether we’re willing to admit it or not, most of us in Business Continuity Management understand that our industry needs fixing.  You may not believe it is fundamentally broken.  Perhaps ‘broken’ is too extreme.  Would ‘in need of repair’ make you feel better?  Either way, something needs to change. Don’t…

7 Things Every Business Continuity Plan Should Contain

This is the first of a blog series reviewing form & content of typical Business Continuity Plans – from basics to testing.  While not intended to define any standard for BCP’s, these articles should provide assistance for new Planners, and provoke the thought processes of experienced Planners.  We begin by…