Business Continuity Planning: One Size does Not Fit All

Perhaps we’d like to think that Business Continuity ‘standards’ is all that we need to assure our organization is prepared to meet whatever fate and mother nature throw its way.  That’s a nice thought – but not very realistic.  There are as a many variations in what organizations require as there are regulators who oversee them (and perhaps more).  It’s impossible to stick every round organization into a neat square ‘standards’ hole.  But that doesn’t mean Business Continuity is impossible for some organizations – it just requires a different attitude and perhaps a bit more work.  There’s a solution to every problem, if you know what you’re looking for – and where to look.

Federal Government Agencies

Most Federal Government Agencies have a ‘civic duty’ to provide Continuity of Operations (COOP) to assure the delivery of services to their citizens (as well as other Government operations).

In many ways this mandate is no different than the goals or objectives of Business Continuity Management in the private sector.  But they have unique Security, Compliance and Incident Management needs that require unique solutions.

A combination of tight restrictions and broad responsibilities make a Federal Government Agency BCM team’s job difficult and resource intensive.  But there is help available.  Visit eBRP’s Federal Agencies Solutions page.  Then contact us.  We’ll show you how eBRP Suite’s Solution can meet those unique requirements.

Public Utilities

BCM professionals in publicly-regulated utilities (electric, oil, gas, water, telecommunications) are different.  Not because of whom they are – but because of what their job requires.  They have an alternate set of rules and responsibilities that other industries don’t.  They’ve got to serve two masters: BCM’s generally accepted standards, and those set by their industry’s national, regional and state regulatory overseers.

Managing the Business Continuity requirements of a public utility requires diligence, preparedness, practice – and the right tools to coordinate their threat tracking, planning, testing, Incident Management and communication needs.  For information on how eBRP Solutions can help, visit our Utilities Solution page.

Large, Global Enterprises

The larger the organization, the more complex it, and its BCM needs, are likely to be.  Speed, culture and complexity are not the only things that separate large, global enterprises from SMB’s.  In many large global enterprises disruptions of one type or another (weather, geologic, technical, man-made) happen often – sometimes daily.  Because disruptive incidents – large and small – happen frequently, Incident Management Teams (IMTs) get plenty of practice.  And having the right tools at the fingertips of the IMT adds layers of intelligence and automation that make decision-making easier and more accurate

eBRP has helped many large, global enterprise meet their goals and requirements by offering Global Enterprise Solutions with the flexibility to fulfill those unique goals.

BCM Programs come in all shapes and sizes.  One size does not fit all.  Don’t shackle your organization within industry standards – when what it really needs is something more.  At eBRP we provide more than standards-based planning software – we provide Solutions.

eBRP Thoughts

eBRP Thoughts

eBRP Thoughts, eBRP’s Blog voice, represents 50 + years of cumulative BCM knowledge gained through experience in corporate BCM program management, consulting & program implementations. We've worked hand-in-hand with governments and private enterprises to develop viable BCM programs. eBRP is an active participant on LinkedIn and Twitter. The opinions expressed in our blog are ours and are intended to engage resiliency planners in conversations about the BCM industry, its standards and its future.

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