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Developing Tomorrow’s BCM Plans – Standardization
(NOTE: This is the first part of the 7th in a series of articles discussing the future of Business Continuity Management. The series starts here.) Having worked through the Planning…
Summer may be the Riskiest Season
Perhaps it’s the longer days or the warmer temperatures. Summer changes how we perceive our world. Sunny days and warm evenings generate idyllic visions of beaches, exotic travel, cool mountain…
The Future of BCM: It’s about information, Not Data (Nor Plans)
This is the 4th in a series of articles discussing the future of Business Continuity Management. The series starts here. In today’s business ecosystem, with RTO’s approaching zero and new…
All Hazards BCM Planning Fulfills Future Needs
For some time, Government agencies (especially in North America) have focused their Business Continuity efforts (or Continuity of Operations, COOP, as they often prefer to call them) on an ‘All-Hazards’…